Portland Moon

Ez dut hemengo jendea ulertzen.
Kalera atera, betiko bera egin, jendez aldatu, baina beti aitzakia berdinarekin….etxean ez bakarrik geratu.
Plan A, plan B,…agenda bete…eta hori, ihes. Exit.
Gogoratzen naiz, Division St.eko taberna horretako eszena horrekin. Taberna horrekin, gorri kolorekoa, FB-eko nere argazkia atera nuen hori bera.  Eta han zeuden hiruzpalau jende multzo ezberdin: bikote bat, bi mutil eta neska bat eta barran bi tabernari eta neska bat…eta oso ondo akordatzen ez naizen gizaki bat.
Ni, nere ardoarekin, mahaiean. Pipa barruan prestatu eta kanpora ateratzen nintzen hartaz akordatzen ari naiz. Hain arraroa hemen, estanpa, hain normala, edo gutxienez indiferentea han.
Orduan, gora jartzen nintzen begira, Portland Moon-era.

Jendeak galdetzen dit, zer zegoen han.
Eta nik askotan ez dakit zer erantzun.
Eta esango nioke «ba…ezertxo ere ez».
Agian, Raymond Carver-ren edota Hopper-ren kuadro batean bezala, «deus ere ez».
Baina ez da egia.
Pipa horren kearekin, ilargirainoko saltoa ematen nuen. Sufjan Stevens kotxean zegoen bere zazpi zisneekin zai. Denak kotxea martxan jarri eta ilargira igotzeko goraino.

gauero, nere etxe aurreko bankuan,
jartzen den ilargi berbera.
Inorren zai egoteko ez den bankua.
Espreski bertatik, ozeanoaren alde honetatik soilik, Portland Moon-a ikusten den, banku preziso hori.
Nere etxea aurreko bankutik, ke artean:
Portland Moon.

All things go (Oregon coast driving evening)

I fell in love again

all things go, all things go

drove to Chicago

all things know, all things know

we sold our clothes to the state

I don’t mind, I don’t mind

I made a lot of mistakes

in my mind, in my mind

you came to take us

all things go, all things go

to recreate us

all things grow, all things grow

we had our mindset

all things know, all things know

you had to find it

all things go, all things go

I drove to New York

in a van, with my friend

we slept in parking lots

I don’t mind, I don’t mind

I was in love with the place

in my mind, in my mind

I made a lot of mistakes

in my mind, in my mind

you came to take us

all things go, all things go

to recreate us

all things grow, all things grow

we had our mindset

all things know, all things know

you had to find it

all things go, all things go

if I was crying

in the van, with my friend

it was for freedom

from myself and from the land

I made a lot of mistakes

I made a lot of mistakes

I made a lot of mistakes

I made a lot of mistakes

you came to take us

all things go, all things go

to recreate us

all things grow, all things grow

we had our mindset

all things know, all things know

you had to find it

all things go, all things go

you came to take us

all things go, all things go

to recreate us

all things grow, all things grow

we had our mindset

(I made a lot of mistakes)

all things know, all things know

(I made a lot of mistakes)

you had to find it

(I made a lot of mistakes)

all things go, all things go

(I made a lot of mistakes)