Three songs with complementary adding translation/recital. Great time in a blue sky saturday 8th June. Garden beer, roulette and some kids running around the pub. Cozy outdoors atmosphere:
Iceland,livedin alight bulb though, Iceland reminded us the similar euphoria that feels when we have not lost the lasttrain Icelandwasalways in thebar, with a pint with crossed armsin thedeskandwearablelongshirtbuttonswerealwaysfree.
You’remyonlyaddiction,her sweaters showed (andmaybeshe was speaking to her pint) You’remyonlyaddiction, shereplied,and wesmiled out of the blue…
…While someone punctured our bike‘s wheels with a needle uses to tatto aeroplanes in our hearts
We slept in bicycles´ cemeteries and we had many broken tricycles undiscovered still //
Islandia, berriz bonbila baten barruan bizi zen Islandiak azken trena ez galtzearen antzeko euforia gogorarazten zuen Islandia tabernetan egoten zen, beti besoak mostradorean gurutzatuta garagardo batekin eta alkandora luzearen eskumuturreko botoiak beti askatuta zituela
You’re my only addiction, zioen bere jertseak eta garagardoari ari zitzaion akaso You’re my only addiction, erantzuten zuen berak, eta guk irribarre egiten genuen oharkabean …
Norbaitek bizikletako gurpilak zulatzen zizkigun bitartean, bihotzetan aeroplanoak tatuatzeko orratz batekin
Guk bizikleten hilerrian egiten genuen lo eta triziklo apurtuz betetako kanposantu asko geratzen zitzaizkigun ezagutzeke. //
Yesterday was St. Patricks day, everywhere. Even in Oxford, at Harcourt Arms pub (our temple every sunday eve) and I bumped into Mark, great guy. He encouraged me to play and then Nigel saw me from the music equipment (busy man, good technician&musician). Both of them good people. I arrived thinking at Harcourt Arms in a song, that I could sing «Chamelions», remembering friends from Donegal (James, Sarah & Finola) also Ennistymon (Jackie & Fergus) and so on, exchanging messages from early in the morning. Good mood, better singing atmosphere. I made it: #Chameleons Mainly because I also remember this song was recorded in Ennistymon, Co.Clare Art Gallery Studios in August 2011, with the great technician (musician too!) Quentin Cooper (in the arrangements doing a big job with instruments, mandolin, banjo and so on). (Ireland) And in St.Patrick’s day, everyone could be irish: I was a Green Chamelion, like the audience, Green Chamelions for one night. Ps: This song was written in Tokyo it is why in the chorus it says «Dreaming with Chamelions in Tokyo» when Tokyo is everywhere in St. Patricks; you did not need to look for chamelions. There are plenty of them, green chamelions:) Like you & me.
Then, Mark Atherton played with Nigel Brown. Good pints, good st.patricks, good singing, better people.