Igor Calzada sings (with)(to) his Dad (Aita) recently loos, Moises Calzada (1942-2012), #BetiAurrera&DuinAita.
Featured @eefbarzelay, #MikelLaboa & #HarkaitzCano in Oxford, UK, Harcourt Arms, Jericho, 16th Dec. 2012.
Which is the prize of Freedom?// Zein da Libertatearen prezioa?
Lirika eta Libertatea.
Lyrics and Freedom.
Denborarekin ezin jakin zer egin, denbora dugunean. Eta dugunean ito.
Eta zein da horren prezioa?
Which is the prize of a piece of time?
Which is the prize of feeling in a no man’s land?
(thanks a.))