I arrived 2 hours earlier. Not a big queu. But quiet, people in it. Now weird not posh not…alternatives. Just people.
3500 people gathered in the gig. Almost lots of them on the seating section. I was in stalls. But I started the guest artist in the seating highest seat of the O2Apollo venue. Then I went back to the Stalls…to the hell….and Seaglopur.
Just Icelandic great earthly strenght from somewhere.
Manchester «music expert» audience…was quiet and stuck. Maybe, because they do not know what to do with such as big musical hurricane.
Icelandics gave us, and specially to the Manchester «posh» audience a great demostration about how music could be understood and show in a broad audience, while pictures, movements and a big amount of musical arragements details could be played, like in a icelandic aurora boreal vast constellation.
We all stuck.
The one with soul&heart, were delighted.
Takk Takk Sigur Ros to let us dream, to ever dream.