
You are in a festival.
You are with many people around.
That these people is creating some creative stuff.
That they are some empty bookshops.
That all is about #consumption.
And #consumption is not in fashion anymore.

You sing, you drink some guinness and some stranger drinks a red wine.
All this noise is just a useless noise.
And the one you need is just go and fill the street.

Useless singing.
Useless me & you.

Perfume Genius – Normal Song

Songs, are this delicate piece of tune that is not easily replace by anything else.
Even by you or even by me.

Useless singing.
No matter how it is said.
No matter, where or when.
But, I know:
I will find the way, anyway.

(Because, we all are floating.
All of us are floating in this water. All Waters.
Perfume Genius – All Waters
Stupid me, stupid you.
Stupid f***ing life that makes us such a different people in this crazy world. When we all want #bliss
The point we never know how to make it at the same time & place
Muse – Bliss)


#LiberateOurMindsByAnyMeansNecessary : #SayItToMeNow

Yesterday I listened Glen in Rough Trade Records, Brick Lane, West London. We talked. He signed in my notebook. We talked about «our» place, his place…that I started using without knowing him. Yesterday we discovered why we have been singing in this place, grafton and my arcade market.

The Frames – Say It To Me Now
Fitzcarraldo you go fast. Fitzcarraldo, you «Sing it out…fill the street with your voice, your light…BigLove».

Scratching at the surface now
And I’m trying hard to work it out
And so much has gone misunderstood
This mystery only leads to doubt
And I’m looking for a sign

In this dark uneasy time

So if you have something to say
Say it to me now

And I’m not trying to pass the buck
I’m just trying to get a better look
And I’m wondering how it feels for you
Now that the shoe is on the other foot
And I didn’t understand
When you reached down to take my hand

And if you have something to say
You’d better say it now

Cause this is what you’ve waited for
A chance to even up the score
And as these shadows fall on me now
I will somehow

Cause I’m clearing up this wreckage Lord
And there’s more than you’ve ever seen before

So if you have something to say
Say it to me now

Glen Hansard – Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting


Christina Rosenvinge – Chicago – con Vetusta Morla

I fell in love again,
All things go, all things go.

Bihar banoa, edo etzi. Zer axola du?
Soineko burdinduaz ikusten dut Bilbo, hamabost urteko neska bat bezain ederra.

I made a lot of mistakes.

Etxea polita da gertutik ikusita. Gertutik ikusita, urrutitik ikusita.
Chicago. Chicago. Chicago.

Akordatzen naiz, kantu hau non entzun nuen.
Portland-eko coast-era bidean.

Askotan ez du axola non gauden, baizik non dugun bihotza.
Batzuk ez dute hori sentitzen, ez dutelako bihotza lekuz aldatu, ez dago mudantzarik inoiz, bihotza Chicagon geratzen da.

Eta Chicago edozein leku, edozein hiri da.
Bilbo? London? Tokyo? NYC?

Edo…kaka zerutiarra.

Kritika gehiago ez.
Gogaitzen nau zu horrela entzutea. Hiriaren kontra. Hiriak jaiotzen ikusi hau, ez al haiz akordatzen, maddi?

If I was crying
in the van
with my friends
it was for freedom
from myself
and from the land.

I made a lot of mistakes.

Eta zoriontsu naiz horregatik.
Eta Chicago-ra goaz, Chicago, edozein leku, edozein hiri denean, jakin gabe nora goazen, beti goazelako, beti berriro bueltatzeko.
Eta etengabe, once again.
Joan etortzeko,
Etorri joateko.
Han izanik, hona naiz.