Sometimes you have to take the road, in a blue sky day, and drive just drive.
Then, you will meet James, once more. Nothing changes. Your irish friend. Always James Early.
And then, you would meet again Eef Barzelay.
That man, that singer, you listened one day with the writer Harkaitz Cano in DonostiaCity one wednesday evening at 10pm. In a city that nothing never happens after 10pm, we found and listened a trombone while Mr. Eef Barzelay smoked his cigarette in the half moon night in this city, the one I am writing down these lines. And from that night, something happened, specially something grew up in our stomach. Something that was increasing in size and shape. Something that we could not explain.
Now, every wednesday night after 10pm we still listened this trombone from Egia neighbourhood. We´ll travel to any venue and we listen «Simple Man» song. And since then, we just r not the same. And we all will become «Mike Kalinsky».
We found James in the Plaza de España in Zaragoza.
Some good beers and wines. Plaza de España?
«Q paza tio»
Good time, good memories. Two seconds and as always.
Always broths.
Got to «Lightbulbs Can» (La lata de las bombillas) venue.
And we bumped into Eef Barzelay.
Nice talking.
There the gig.
Bukatzeko aitorpena:
Orain etxean. Bueltan. Jendea eta supermerkatuak. Jende normala eta supermerkatuetako marka zuriko produktuak apaletan. Eta gure barrunbeetan, Eef-ekin erre genuen zigarro hori, kalean, kanpoan, algaratik kanpo. Nashville-eko istoriak, West-eko nere ikuspuntu eta reskatatuko zenbait pasarte, hiriak, hiriak eta hiriak. Musikari single, adin bereko, eta agian, mundua ikusteko moduaz mintzatzea polita suertatu zen. Argigarria.
Orain etxean. Diska belarrietan. Izaro, 2 urteko ume txikia esnatu ez dezadan, iphone-eko headphone high-quality hauetatik, «Born A Man» kantua entzuten.
Ederra. Ederra barruraino ederra.
Jaiotzearen inozentzi berberarekin. Ederra.
Eskertu zidan bai, Eef-ek, «Me No» algaraka eskatzea.
What a pleassure.
C u again Eef.
C u really soon James. My broth.
FasTFatum (igor calzada) & James Early.
Datorren apirilaren 24an, Bilboko Kafe Antzokian, asko txalotuko zenutela iragarri nion Eef eta beste bi kideei, Declan eta drummer-rari.
Ea ba, egin ezazue, bederen, nere ausentzia ez dezaten nabari. Ezinezkoa joatea izango zaidan kontzertua bestalde, South Galian egonen naiz une hotan.
Oraingoz, sinisten ez dugunok, bai ezertan ere ez, sinisten ez dugunok, gu sinismengabeak, guretzeko geratzen zaigun gauza bakarra: «Pray, for the Non Believer»
Clem Snide – Pray
Otoi. So.