Donostia City: Bukowski 17th July 2008 (a sort of homecoming gig).

FasTFatum (Igor Calzada).
«Exit» song.
FasTFatum (Igor Calzada) & Harkaitz Cano.
Technical un-conditional support: «Txelis» Venezuela-land and «Txuri» Isma Txantxiku-land. (Thank you)
«Qualified» 😉 audience: GiorgioBasmatti, Iturri & Joserra Senperena.
Historical «old» Bukowski: Thanks Koldo «Euripean Sua«.
Friends: Arantza&Aitor and SushyMaki. Thanks for coming.
Igor eta Harkaitz. (After FTF and HC).
Harkaitz eta Igor.
(HC eta FasTFatum).

B side:
Agian, kontzertuaren ostean, kontatzen ez direnak: Horiek dira hain zuzen ere B side, «caras b»s. Momentu honetan, 31 agosto kalea dago nere ikusmiran. Eta orduan etortzen dira oraitzapenak, borborka, aztoratuta, baimenik eskatu gabe,…Eta ezin eten, jario eta parrasta etengabe hau. Guztia, desertuetatik zabalean ibili eta gero, berriro, «betiko kaleetara» lerratuz, suertatzen direnak. Hain ohikoak zaizkigu, kaleok. Alde zaharrean bizi nintzeneko garaia datorkit gogora. Eta noski, kontzertuan esan bezala, gure ezekiel-en hamazazpi urteak gogora, «Leiho batek amorante galduari» kantua. Seguruenik, gogorren eta zuzen-zuzenean entzun zen kantua izango zen. Eta oraindik nere harridurarako, lehengo kantua, H.Cano-ren «kea behelainopean bezala» poema liburutik hartua. Eta gero «Exit».

Eskerrik asko, bertaratu zineten guztiei.
Zikloa bukatu eta borobildua beraz.
Orain, atzean geratuko diren kantu zaharrak giltzapean. Batzuk jada, giltzaperatuak, Zu eta Ni, Elurra Zaurien Gainean, Ostean, Tabula Rasa…

Eta desertuetara bueltatuko naiz.
Desertuetara bueltatuz, Morgan-en koadro Hopper-ianoaz ohartuko naiz, bakardade eta errepide horietan. Eta horiekin batera, bidaztiaren maleta zahar abandonatua bezala, abandonatuta utziko zaituztet estarta bazterretan, zuek.
Bai, baztertuta, zuek, abandonatuak.
North-era beti, north-era.
Nevada eta California-tik, ia Alaskara. Seattle-ra bidean jarri naiz jada.

Orain atzera begiratu eta atzean 10 kantu zizelkatuak, Donostia city eta bere txoko ezagunak jada atzean utziko ditut. Etxeko egongela estudio bihurtu nituen garaiak atzean. Barrutik eta banan bana atera ziren 10 kantu horiek hor geratuko dira. Kartoi urdin, erdi izoztu, erdi uretan hondoraturiko horiek geratuko dira. Betiko/Forever.

Bitartean, Irlanda-ko 8 urte horiek ere, «FasTFatum Irish Road Trip 2007: To ever dream» filman jasota geratu dira. Sláinte. Eta orain giltzapean gordeta egongo dira, neretzat. Nahi duenak beti izango du entzungai.

Eta orain banihoa berriro.
Etorri naiz, ikusi dut, gure desertu partikularretan geratzen diren oasi txiki horiek zenbat emateko duten.
Konturatu ere, desertuan, pertsonak ere desagertu egiten direla. Betirako desagertu eta nere barrunbeetan, oroitzapenak jada ezabatzeko burrukan, beti ere bizitza fastfatum bat bezala bizitzea erabaki dugunontzat.

Ba hori, esandakoa,
betikooi, zuoi, muxu handi bat eta laster arte,
beste gutxi batzuoi (oso gutxi, egia esan), The End, Agur.

A veces, no entendemos porque ocurren las cosas. Entre hipótecas, cenas de amigos y noviazgos que cada vez duran menos y para menos. A veces, nos imaginamos, desiertos y grandes paisajes helados. Y conducimos por ellos. Dejando atrás, lo que nunca nos perteneció pero cogimos prestado, de las calles y de las cafeterías. Paraguas y tazas de cafes. Y el recuerdo de ese olor. De esa mirada, de ese plan, pequeño pero suficiente para satisfacer nuestra existencia.
A veces, cuando los demás callan o no vamos de esa fiesta bulliciosa que ha llegado a su punto límite,  caminando por las calles con el ipod y con la sensación de que en el autobús encontraremos a ese viejo amor en el que creímos hasta que el corazón casi nos saliese de la caja toracica, empezamos a adentrarnos en ese paisaje salvaje pero seguro.
Lugar de icebergs y poder magnético terrestre.
Para tí, amiga fenicia, para que entiendas a veces lo que no llegas a entender en este idioma nuestro, en el que descubrimos (eso sí a nuestra forma ;)), lo que supone vivir en este mundo y sentirlo.

FasTFatum Chapter 1: Was Born and Own Trip.
Donostia-City, 1st August 2008.

«The Joshua Tree» Dessert. South California. (USA)

It is really hot. 114 Fº. Dessert.
I am listening this really
amazing record that I bought in Frudisk record shop in Donostia
(nowadays desappeared). I was 11 years old. And 22 years after, I am
coming and playing in the white car…all those tunes: Bullet the Blue
Sky, In God’s Country, Running to Stand Still and Where Streets Have No
To be honest, I’ve started thinking every tune needs to be
listened in the place that has been created. The sensation is more
powerful and real. And this dessert is gorgeous.
Thousand and thousand of Joshua Trees, anywhere.
And really hot.
But not hard. (Strange isn’t it?)
I cannot stand with so hot weather. But I can be here.
And I will go again to the «Dessert Sky, in the God’s Country.»
Let’s try. I am going. Follow me.
«Bullet the Blue Sky»«Running to Stand Still»

«Where streets have no name»

«In God’s Country»

C u soon, again.

«Ani Difranco» Live Tucson-Arizona (USA) 26/June/2008.

First time I met Ani Difranco I was no more than 21. Just  last years at the university.  And she was kind of american anti-folk artist. I said, «what do they mean with anti-folk?». And since then, I imagined her as the other side of pop-star heroin, Madonna. They do not have nothing to do, honestly. But, in my women group thipologies, Björk and Marylim and maybe Ani Difranco and Madonna. Both of them are just very strong woman with a «musical management» orientation. Each one her likings and extremely different life styles. But at the end, strong and really powerful women. Good!
Anyway, Ani. Yes, I was very eager to see Ani in States. I always imagined this kind of venue and gig. Everybody following her songs, singing and shouting. Right! And the long driving from Nevada to Arizona, crossing really huge piece of desserts, has been really hard  under 109ºF.
And just arriving at Tucson, a really hurricane and thunderstorm in the highway. Just a prologue of Ani’s gig.
Really shy but powerful gig. (Just what I wanted to proof. The strength of this woman on the state. Really, sweet but angry and powerful most of the time. Without stopping from song to song.)
And as I said before, I think I wouldn’t really want seeing her in any other venue: Rialto Theatre was really good. Really linked to the kind of gig and artist, Ani is in fact. A american road songwriter.
(The instrumentists…3. 2 guys and one girl. I loved the girl, the drummer. And the guys, upright bass and vibrophone, very shy but loyal to the songs and the frontwoman artist. It was quite balanced team. And really perfection on the stage. No mistakes or anything like that.)
Good Ani. I saw you at the end.
And, I saw you in the venue and location I had to see you.
Not other one.
I will imagine you, and remind your power, wherever I will go to.
Tucson-Arizona (USA)

«Death Cab for Cutie» Live Berkeley-California (USA) 21/June/2008″

Now, I could understand how a band from Seattle in the first impression it didn’t impress me a lot.
you know, the place always counts. (In our Basque City, Hondarribi,
Getxo,…Why? Because tend to self-develop the liking with the same
kind of people, affinity, web 2.0. and 3.0. and so on. -Maybe this is
just a comment more for The othere side. But this
way, the circle just closes.-)
What I want to tell is that band did impress me a lot. Each member of
the group in his position: Bass player (really good man) and the
drumer, really good technique. With this rythmical bases, guitars and
vocals can surf easily and make good tunes.
*Specially: I will posses your heart. Really amazing.

Let’s listen.

Redvic Bar, Haight-Ashbury Street. San Francisco-California, 21nd June 2008.

«Thievery Corporation» Live. San Francisco (USA) 20/June/2008″

Now, I can understand one day I discovered this electronic mixture couple-band: Thievery Corporation.
Nowadays, saying that someone discovered Thievery Corporation as a band is just a big stupidity. Basically due to you can bump into them anywhere. They are in Loreak Mendian, in any airport, of course in any kind of lounge-style pub or bar…EVERYWHERE.
But mean I was seeing the gig in a really huge and open greek theatre, I realized that the first electronical band I recognize and integrated in my «very important bands» category was Thievery Corporation.
Each vocalist for each song. A really cultural mixture, with India, Marokko, Brasil, Bronx,…in some music tracks. Really a colourful, unique piece and dance encouraged music gig.
And Greek Theatre a really wonderful venue. (Very soon Sigur Ros! I cannot miss it). 😉