Eta non dago bestaldea? Outside-era joan beharra dago inspirazio iturri bila. Ni beti joan izan naiz. Eta non dago hori? Hemen, inspirational beginning and place in Dublin, busking eginez. Beste behin gehiago, azkena february 2007.
It was not very far away from the Arcade Market. It was quite late for being Monday night…roughly 03:27. Monday! Arcade Market is just behind and on the left, there is a nice pub, Crogan’s Pub. Nice for Dubliners, real atmosphere.
Busking egiteko koordenada egokiak. States-etik bisitan etorri zen emakume eta bere senarra, pictures and so on, and out of the blue they threw an extra-pint tip! It started the pint moment!
Remember close to Crogan’s Pub, in front of Arcade Market. FTF han egoten da, Dublineko place horretan hasten da guztia.
From here as well, Biba zu, hc! Zenkiu.